There are several reasons why the library may not be able to purchase an eBook or may only be able to purchase an eBook in a limited fashion. While the library strives to assist in multiple ways, some times the library may just not be able to fulfill a request. Some of these reasons include:
- Simultaneous Access - some eBooks will restrict the number of users who can simultaneously view an eBook. Some companies restrict access to 1 user at a time, while others may offer unlimited access. The library strives to purchase Unlimited Access wherever possible. Unlimited Access means that there are no limits to the number of people who can access the eBook simultaneously. Sometimes, however, the library can only purchase an eBook with a license that restricts the number of simultaneous users to 1 or 3. Talk to a subject specific librarian if there are concerns about limits to simultaneous access. Remember that sometimes unlimited access is just not available for the library to purchase.
- Cost - Sometimes, eBooks can be more expensive to purchase than print books. The library has a limited budget and strives to be good stewards of resources. So there may be times when the cost of an eBook is deemed to be too excessive. In those cases, the library's only option may be to purchase a print copy. Moreover, the library cannot purchase a copy of every textbook or course materials for every course at the University. Such costs are unsustainable and reckless.
- Publisher/Licensing Restrictions - Some publishers will not allow the library to purchase e-text (or e-access) versions of textbooks or other course materials. Moreover, licensing restrictions by publishers do not allow the library to purchase a e-text version and offer them to multiple students. Such e-text versions are sold only to individual students. These same restrictions also apply to ancillary materials or homework/study aids that sometimes accompany textbooks. The library cannot purchase these materials. Finally, sometimes there are no existing licenses with a publisher or vendor and establishing a license can take months or in some cases include licenses that are so prohibitive that the library cannot agree to them.