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Textbook Affordability

Information on textbook affordability initiatives at Minnesota State University, Mankato

Information for Students

Students, you can search our page to find out if your textbook or other course materials are on Course Reserve.  

Course Reserves are found at the front Circulation desk in Memorial Library.  

You check out Course Reserve books just like any other book: with your MavCard! Just be sure to pay attention to the due date and time, as many of the textbooks have different borrowing periods. 

Many of the textbooks and materials will have different check-out periods, so be sure to review the email you will receive after borrowing the item! However, most of the general textbooks located behind the front desk have a 24 hour checkout. 

Remember, we don't carry all textbooks for all courses (that would be hundreds!) as most of them change or are updated frequently.  If you do not see your textbooks or course materials on our list, please visit the Maverick Shop Bookstore to pick up your course materials. 

Course Reserves Information for Faculty

I.  The print and electronic reserve collections at Memorial Library allow faculty to place readings for their students in a central location. The reserve collection includes both library owned materials and faculty owned materials. The following policy and procedures for reserves were devised to provide better access and maintenance of this collection.

II.  Reserve requests will be processed in the order they are received. It is suggested reserve requests be submitted one week prior to the date required so the material is available for students by the date needed. If you are using copyrighted materials for electronic reserve more than once, either for the same course or for a different course, we must obtain copyright permission before placing the material on electronic reserve. Please submit requests which will need copyright permission well in advance of the date in which the reserve is needed by students. Some rights holders grant copyright permission immediately, while others may take months to grant or deny permission.

III.  Reserve request forms may be completed online.  Reserves may also be dropped off and a paper form filled out at the front circulation desk in the library or sent through intra-campus mail to: Steve Johnson, Reserve Technician, Minnesota State Mankato Box ML3097. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Steve Johnson at 389-5065, or e-mail at

IV.  Only one copy of materials such as course syllabi, lecture notes, sample tests, and journal articles need to be provided for electronic reserves. Many times journal articles can be linked to library databases instead of scanning them into electronic reserve. Materials in the electronic reserve collection will not be duplicated in paper format in the traditional reserve collection.

V.  If your materials have been placed on electronic reserve you will need to give your students the password assigned to the articles for them to access the electronic reserves. If the material is on electronic reserve it can be accessed through the library home page at, click on Course Reserves. Materials on electronic reserve will be available to students 24 hours a day.

VI.  Personal or library owned copies of books, pamphlets or other monographic publications may be placed on hard copy reserve. The library does not assume responsibility for professor-owned materials placed on hard copy reserve. Please note we place clear tape on all materials placed on hard copy reserve. Hard copy reserves may have a check out period of 2 hours, 4 hours, 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days.

VII. When the reserve material is ready, you will receive e-mail notification. Please wait for the e-mail notice before informing your students the materials are on reserve. Students will need to ask for hard copy reserves by the reserve call number at the front circulation desk on the first floor of the library.

VIII. Materials are removed from reserve when indicated on the reserve request form and personal copies of materials are returned as soon as possible. Statistical information on student use of materials will be sent to aid in the evaluation of future reserve requests.

Copyright Permission for Electronic Reserve

Following section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, “fair use” guidelines allow materials to be made available for one semester without obtaining copyright permission from the copyright holder, under certain circumstances. Materials used again for subsequent offerings of a course or for different courses taught by the same instructor are required to have copyright permission from the copyright holder. Memorial Library requests copyright and pays the royalties (please see electronic reserve copyright fee limits below) when materials placed on electronic reserve require permission. 

Reserve Request forms are required well in advance of the date in which the e-reserve is needed by students for class to assure there is time to pursue copyright permission. Electronic reserves requiring copyright permission will not be placed on reserve until copyright permission has been granted. 


Since the inception of electronic reserves at Minnesota State Mankato in fall semester of 2001, Library Services has covered fees charged by the copyright holder for the use of protected material placed on electronic reserve. The current copyright fee limits are as follows:

  • A limit of $50 per single e-reserve per semester.
  • A limit of $200 per course per semester.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License