AERA Open publishes studies of education and learning in various contexts, such as early childhood, after-school, primary and secondary, and post-secondary education.
The flagship journal of the American Educational Research Association, featuring articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning.
The Berkeley Review of Education engages issues of educational diversity and equity within cognitive, developmental, sociohistorical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. The BRE encourages submissions on research and theory from senior and emerging scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers.
Comparative Education contributes to the growing importance of comparative perspectives in the analysis of educational issues in national and global contexts.
The journal publishes intellectually rigorous original research in both theoretical and practical applications, seeking representation across sexual, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. Further, the editors seek to advance the field by bringing greater awareness to discourses on education across the lifespan in historically underrepresented regions, contexts, and topics.
Contemporary Education Dialogue, in publication since July 2003, provides a space for scholarly conversations on issues critical to education.
Focused research on critical discourse, diaspora, indigenous and minority education. Interrelations on political, economic, historical, and social contexts.
They seek, through traditional and nontraditional mediums, to be change agents and generate public policies that resolve inequities that still exist today. Addresses issues that affect Asian Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Native American Indians, people with disabilities, seniors, LGBTQIA, veterans and other underrepresented groups in higher education.
Diversity Woman Magazine is a business magazine and community for women professionals and executives, with an initiative to support leadership and executive management development for all women of all races, cultures and backgrounds.
The preeminent journal for communicating new ideas on educational processes, controversies, research, and policy, Education and Urban Society places special emphasis on the relationship between educators and society.
A dialogue for all academic educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the meanings and form of citizenship and social justice as these are realised throughout the time spent in educational institutions.
The articles that appear inform a wide range of readers—from scholars and policy analysts to journalists and education associations—working at local, state, and national levels.
EL is acknowledged throughout the world as an authoritative source of information about teaching and learning, new ideas and practices relevant to practicing educators, and the latest trends and issues.
EDI offers a platform for critical and rigorous exploration of equal opportunities concerns including gender, ethnicity, class, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, as well as other nascent forms of inequalities in the context of society.
Publishes research on issues of equity and social justice in education, considering marginalized populations and systemic oppression in relation to learning.
Insightful and pioneering research, topical issues, and broad perspectives by leaders in the field about the development of children and youth with exceptionalities.
The purpose of Exceptionality is to provide a forum for presentation of current research and professional scholarship in special education.
Areas of scholarship published in the journal include:
A journal of the practices, theories, and scholarship of feminist teaching.
Feminist Teacher is no longer being published. (ceased in 2018)
Gender and Education articles engage in feminist debate, to draw upon a range of theoretical frameworks and to go beyond simple descriptions.
The journal encourages submissions from a range of intersecting sub-fields in social, political, economic, intellectual, and cultural history, including (but not limited to): Urban History, Policy History, Sociology of Knowledge, Colonialism and Colonial Education, History of Childhood and Youth, Gender Studies, Ethnic History, Indigenous Education, Cultural Studies, Comparative History, and the History of Ideas.
Improving Schools is for all those engaged in school development, whether improving schools in difficulty or making successful schools even better. The journal includes contributions from across the world with an international readership including teachers, heads, academics, education authority staff, inspectors and consultants.
This consortium of thinkers and innovators focus to provide resources, insights and practices to develop fully-represented teams, create global initiatives, discuss solutions and build culturally competent corporate structures.
INSIGHT Into Diversity is the oldest and largest diversity magazine and website in higher education today. For over 45 years, INSIGHT Into Diversity has connected potential employees with institutions and businesses choosing to embrace a workforce more reflective of our local and national communities.
Committed to promoting educational equity for diverse students, cross-cultural understanding, and global justice for marginalized people in all levels of education, including leadership and policies.
The International Journal of Inclusive Education provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue on inclusive education for all educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the form and nature of schools, universities and technical colleges.
JAAME publishes research on African American males throughout the educational pipeline (P-20), in various contexts (e.g., urban, suburban, rural), and in multiple capacities (e.g., students, teachers, faculty, staff, administrators).
Journal of African American Studies examines topics concerning social transformations that impact the life chances of continental Africans and the African diaspora. It publishes original research on issues of professional and disciplinary concern for the social progress of people of African descent.
This journal features original scholarship on education issues of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Indigenous peoples worldwide, including First Nations, Māori, Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander peoples, and Indigenous peoples of Latin America, Africa, and others.
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education largely publishes empirical research focused on issues related to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in post-secondary environments. It focuses on institutional barriers and challenges, patterns of access and achievement, and the impact of engaging with diverse students, faculty, and administrators.
Each issue includes research reports, explications of theory, reflections, and essay reviews of academic/professional and books for young readers.
The Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics provides an outlet for papers that are original and provide methods that are useful to those studying problems and issues in educational or behavioral research. Typical papers introduce new methods of analysis. Critical reviews of current practice, tutorial presentations of less well-known methods, and novel applications of already-known methods are also of interest.
This journal is devoted to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of issues at Hispanic-serving institutions. JHHE maintains a broad focus and accepts the highest quality scholarly, creative and practical articles that combine research with application, fostering the integration of theory and practice.
The Journal of Latinos and Education (JLE) provides a cross-, multi-, and interdisciplinary forum for scholars and writers from diverse disciplines who share a common interest in the analysis, discussion, critique, and dissemination of educational issues that impact Latinos.
There are four broad arenas which encompass most issues of relevance:
This journal is aresearch forum dedicated to improving the quality of life for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, intersex, queer, questioning, and allied youth.
Contains: scholarly articles, book reviews, practitioner-based essays, policy analyses, and revealing narratives from young people from a wide-range of discourses, contexts, and theoretical disciplines.
Concerned with research, theory, and program applications pertinent to multicultural and ethnic minority interests in all areas of counseling and human development.
The journal publishes single-study investigations, historical and philosophical analyses, research syntheses, theoretical pieces, and policy analyses from multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives. Manuscripts may address a variety of issues including (but not limited to): the interrelationships between rural schools and communities; the sociological, historical, and economic context of rural education; rural education and community development; learning and instruction; preservice and inservice teacher education; educational leadership, and; educational policy.
An online and freely accessible interdisciplinary journal providing a forum for scholars and writers from diverse fields who share a common interest in Southeast Asian (SEA) Americans and their communities.
Publishes reports of research and scholarly reviews on special education for individuals with disabilities.
It is a forum for higher education researchers, teachers, policymakers, leaders, managers, and administrators, interested in all facets of the internationalization of higher education.
The Journal of Teacher Education provides a vital forum for considering practice, policy, and research in teacher education.
Very recent name change, this publication was formerly known as Teaching Tolerance.
Features articles, research, reviews, promising practices, art, music, literature, and listings of resources related to the evolving field of multicultural education.
Aiming to provide a truly international and multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of educational issues, MER welcomes original contributions that explore various aspects of policy and practice in education around the world.
Multicultural Perspectives (MCP) promotes the philosophy of social justice, equity, and inclusion. It celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity as a national strength that enriches the fabric of society. Its main audience is K-12 educators, social scientists, governmental social service personnel, teacher educators, and those involved in multicultural education.
The mission of Profiles in Diversity Journal is to deliver workplace diversity and inclusion experiences, ideas and solutions to diversity practitioners working in corporations, nonprofits, military and government agencies, and educational institutions through research, news and feature articles and surveys of industry leaders.
The journal provides a focal point for international scholarship, research and debate by publishing original and challenging research that explores the dynamics of race, racism and ethnicity in education policy, theory and practice.
RADICAL TEACHER publishes articles on classroom practices and curriculum, as well as on educational issues related to gender and sexuality, disability, culture, globalization, privatization, race, class, and other similar topics.
Research on Diversity in Youth Literature (RDYL) is a peer-reviewed, online, open-access journal hosted by St. Catherine University’s Master of Library and Information Science Program and University Library.
The Review of Educational Research publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research.
The Roeper Review aims to enhance the development of gifted individuals and the improvement of the world through more attention to giftedness, talent development, and creativity guided by ethical awareness. Diverse topics include: theories and philosophical analyses pertinent to giftedness, talent, and creativity; gender issues; curriculum studies; instructional strategies; educational psychology; elementary/early childhood/secondary education of the gifted; emotional, motivation, and affective dimensions of gifted individuals; differentiating instruction; teacher education; tests, measurement, and evaluation; and program development.
Social Psychology of Education draws from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and education in order to help us better understand human behavior in education. The journal fills a gap in the literature by covering a wide variety of content concerns (e.g., classroom instruction, student cultures and interactions), theoretical interests (e.g., group dynamics, social learning theory), and research methods (e.g., comparative research, literature reviews, panel studies).
Sociology of Education (SOE) provides a forum for studies in the sociology of education and human social development. SOE publishes research that examines how social institutions and individuals’ experiences within these institutions affect educational processes and social development.
The International Journal of Diversity in Education compares strategies for negotiating cultural differences in the classroom, from the micro-dynamics of pedagogy, to the agendas of curriculum and assessment.
The International Journal of Learning: Annual Review aims to create an intellectual frame of reference and to support an interdisciplinary conversation on the nature and future of learning.