We recommend these search tools, sometimes called databases, to find sources in this subject:
The Educational Resources Information Center database provides extensive access to educational-related literature and information in a variety of formats.
Provides the largest and most complete collection of full text journals in education research and is designed to meet the needs of education students, professionals and policy makers.
Contains electronic reference titles from Sage. Users can search and browse the full-text equivalent handbooks, encyclopedias, and other titles.
Routledge Handbooks Online brings together the world’s leading scholars to provide a cutting-edge overview of classic and current research and future trends in the Social Sciences and Humanities while providing an authoritative guide to theory & method, the key sub-disciplines, and the primary debates of today.
Choose from these subject areas:
The default search and subject area links will search all of the content on the Routledge Handbooks Online platform. If you would like to limit your search to ONLY our subscribed content, visit the main search page on the RHO platform and be sure the box for “Full Access Only” is checked on the left-hand side of the page.
Use the MavScholar search box below to find most, but not all, library items available at Minnesota State Mankato.
Visit these other guides to view step-by-step instructions
Steps and tutorials to find journal articles
Steps to find books in the library and online
Steps to find movies, documentaries, TV shows, & more
Learn what a citation is, how to read a citation and how to create APA, ASA, MLA and Chicago style citations.
A guide to the cartographic materials
Locate capstone projects at MSU and beyond
Information on statistical sources and datasets
A guide to finding, using, & citing images
A guide to finding newspapers online and at the library