For background on Law Enforcement, read the following sections in Out of Chaos:
1. Charles Mundale (pp. 102-104)
2. David Phelps (pp. 106-119)
3. Edger Twedt (pp. 165-168)
A. According to the readings what was Police Chief Charles Alexander's relationship with President Nickerson?
B. On page 104 Charles Mundale describes a protest action that took place on the intersection of Main Street and Second Street.
C. On pages 108 and 109 David Phelps writes about the student take over of the Post Office.
D. On pages 166 and 167 Edger Twedt writes about the "taking over of the bridge."
E. If you wanted to hold a legal public rally or march in Mankato according to this online list, what kind of permit would you need to submit? (Hint: The form you would use can be accessed under more than one item on this list. Read through the applications.)