We recommend these search tools, sometimes called databases, to find sources in this subject:
Covers a broad range of disciplines such as agriculture, biology & genetics, arts & humanities, biochemistry, business, chemical engineering, chemistry, computer science, earth & planetary sciences, economics, environmental science, mathematics, medicine & dentistry, physics & astronomy, social sciences, and veterinary science & medicine.
Searchable and browsable collection of full image articles published in American Society of Civil Engineers journals, covering all aspects of civil engineering, including planning, construction management, environment, transportation, and waterways.
The default search goes to the index for ALL content from ASCE, not just what we pay for. If you are asked to login or register for access, this means that we do not have access to that particular book, conference proceedings or standard. You can request these materials through interlibrary loan.
Engineering reference materials integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools.
Use the MavScholar search box below to find most, but not all, library items available at Minnesota State Mankato.