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Construction Management

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Find articles with Google Scholar

Google Scholar helps you discover academic sources. It mainly lists journals articles, but also includes information on books, conference proceedings, patents, and more.

After reviewing this information, you will be able to:

  • Find articles using Google Scholar
  • Access the complete contents of an article by connecting to our library subscriptions
  • Find citations in different styles for an article
  • Identify related sources on a topic 

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Google Scholar Search
"From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites."

Finding Articles & More Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a great tool to find articles, but it includes fee-based websites. Through Library Services you have three options to access the full article content and bypass paywalls. 

  1. Click our Google Scholar link, which is also found on our Databases A-Z page. This link will verify your access through your StarID. You will need to return to this link whenever you open a new browser.
  2. Change your Library Links setting in Google Scholar. Your browser will remember these settings until you clear your cache.

With options 1 and 2, your Google Scholar results will include links such as ViewIt@MNSU and, after clicking the double arrow icon, GetIt@MNSU. These links will connect you to our library to access the item.

  1. Install the Libkey Nomad browser extension. When you click on titles in the Google search results, LibKey adds access links into the publisher's page. LibKey will add these links to webpages until you uninstall the extension from your browser.

LibKey Nomad adds buttons to access library related items

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