Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, December 13). Project 4: Data matching for collection analysis. [Webinar]. Excel for library projects: Learn by Doing Workshop Series hosted by Minitex, online.
Rusch, E. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, November 22). An overview of Generative AI initiatives at Minnesota State University, Mankato (so far). [Conference presentation]. Northern Ohio Technical Services Librarians (NOTSL) Fall General Meeting, online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Rusch, E., Lienemann, P., & Rosamond, J. (2024, November 12). The Collections PBI: Interactive data visualization for campus outreach. NASIG Conference Proceedings, 38.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, November 8). Project 3: Data cleaning for collection analysis. [Webinar]. Excel for library projects: Learn by Doing Workshop Series hosted by Minitex, online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, October 11). Project 2: The weeding report. [Webinar]. Excel for library projects: Learn by Doing Workshop Series hosted by Minitex, online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, September 13). Project 1: Budget projections. [Webinar]. Excel for library projects: Learn by Doing Workshop Series hosted by Minitex, online.
Rusch, E. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, June 13). Data visualization, licensing, and other Generative AI initiatives at Minnesota State University Mankato. [Conference presentation]. GAIL Conference (Generative AI in Libraries), online. &
Rusch, E., Lienemann, P., Southworth, H., Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, June 7). The Budget Proposal as a constructive collections engagement tool and practice. [Conference presentation]. NASIG conference, Spokane, WA.
Southworth, H., Rusch, E., Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, February 21). Subject-Package Measures to understand the value provided by journal packages. [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources Minnesota (ERMN) conference, online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. & Rusch, E. (2024, February 2). Novelty visualizations of collections data: Real impact or comic interlude? [Conference presentation]. Library Data Part II: Too Good, Too Bad, & Too Ugly, a State University of New York Library Association (SUNYLA) conference, online. Deck: Video:
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2024, January 17). Negotiation: One library spills the beans. [Professional Development Presentation]. Spell It Out: E-Resource Licensing Lunch & Learn Series hosted by Minitex.
Southworth, H. (2023, November 28). The Southworth ratio: A tool for the analysis of journal usage trends. [Conference Presentation]. 2023 Charleston Conference, Virtual.
Lienemann, P., Luck, A., Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2023, November 28). Post Cancellation Access journal collections to improve library services. [Conference Presentation]. Charleston Conference.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2023, October 18). Site definitions and transfer obligations. [Professional Development Presentation]. Spell It Out: E-Resource Licensing Lunch & Learn Series hosted by Minitex.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2023, October 16). AI as a license review assistant. [Conference Presentation]. NASIG Autumn Virtual Conference. &
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Rusch, E., Lienemann, P. (2023). Thirteen ways of looking at a license. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(4).
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Clink, K., Rusch, E. (2023). Combine journal data to support reference and instruction. Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 27(3).
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Rusch, E., Lienemann, P., Rosamond, J. (2023, May 24). The Collections PBI: Interactive data visualization for campus outreach. [Conference presentation]. North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), Pittsburgh, PA.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2023, February 3). How to combine journals data from multiple data sources cleanly & efficiently. [Conference presentation]. Library Data: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly, a State University of New York Library Association (SUNYLA) conference, online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2022, October 13). Package and subject level analysis and campus communication at MNSU. [Consortium presentation]. Minitex-Elsevier Group of ND, SD, and MN Libraries, online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Lienemann, P., Andradi, L., Rusch, E., Rosamond, J. (2022) New developments for journal package analysis and data visualization. The Serials Librarian, 82(1-4), 27-34.
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Baures, L., Lienemann, P., Holtermann, J. (2022, January 27). How we implemented Alma licensing to manage electronic resources more effectively and efficiently. [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources Minnesota Conference 2022 (ERMN), online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Lienemann, P., Luck, A. (2022, January 26). Post cancellation access collections to improve ER troubleshooting and collection development. [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources Minnesota Conference 2022 (ERMN), online.
Gustafson-Sundell, N., Lienemann, P., Andradi, L., Rusch, E., Rosamond, J. (2021, May 19). New developments for journal package analysis and data visualization. [Conference presentation]. North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), online.
Lienemann, P., Andradi, L., Gustafson-Sundell, N., Rusch, E. (2020, March 9). Automating collection analysis data visualization in Jupyter Notebook: What's possible and why would you do it. [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L), Austin, TX.
Andradi, L., Bukralia, R., Gustafson-Sundell, N., Rusch, E., Lienemann, P. (2019, October 26). Visual analytics for library collection management. [Conference presentation]. CADSCOM, Minneapolis, MN.
Luck, A. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2019, October 25). Electronic resources processes for collection management & improved analytics. [Conference presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Libraries User Group Meeting, Mankato, MN.
Rosamond, J. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2019, October 25). Alma processes and analytics for renewing and claiming serials. [Conference presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Libraries User Group Meeting, Mankato, MN.
Lienemann, P., Gustafson-Sundell, N., Rusch, E. (2019, March 4). Journal package and subscription analysis: Combining data in new ways to standardize collection review. [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L), Austin, TX.
Koirala, P. (2019, February). Enrich library collection analysis using Python. [Conference presentation]. Code4Lib, San Jose, CA.
Rusch, E. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2019). Journal collection analysis: How we developed new tools to improve collection assessment, evaluation, and outreach. The Serials Librarian, 76(1-4), 96-102.
Rusch, E. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2018, June 9). Journal collection analysis: How we developed new tools to improve collection assessment, evaluation and outreach. [Conference presentation]. North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), Atlanta, GA.
Rusch, E. & Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2018, March 6). The JCA DB: Journal collection analysis and evaluation for outreach and more! [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L), Austin, TX.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2017, April 25). Developing a culture of evidence: The Journal Collection Analysis & Evaluation database. [Conference presentation]. Data Analysis & Services Interest Group (DASIG), webinar.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2016, December 2). The library & the consortium: Don’t trade away library agency without considering the cost. [Conference presentation]. Money & Power: ACRL/ NY Symposium, NYC, NY.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. & Rusch, E. (2016, March 31). Journal collection analysis at Minnesota State University, Mankato. [Conference presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Workdays Conference, Edina, MN.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2015, March 18). A better tool for learning and tracking acquisitions and licensing workflow. [Conference presentation]. LibTech Conference, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2015, February 25). The Workflow DB: Insights gained from a tool locally built to manage acquisitions and licensing workflow. [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources & Libraries (ER&L), Austin, TX.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. & Kramer, J. (2014, April 24). Workflow management: Organizational issues and tools. [Conference presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Workdays Conference, Acq/ Ser User Group, Edina, MN.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. & Jarnstrom, P. (2014, April 10). E-Resources and ILL: Steps to availability. [Conference presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Workdays Conference, Interlibrary Loan and Circulation User Groups, Edina, MN.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2013, October 30). Electronic resource licensing. [Conference presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Libraries User Group Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Gustafson-Sundell, N. (2013, October 30). Electronic resource usage statistics. [Panel presentation]. Consortium of MnPALS Libraries User Group Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.