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Collection Analysis

Custom Reports

In the past, we supplied Liaison Journal Collection Analysis (LJCA) reports at the subject level to support accreditation and program review. We can still provide these reports, but please consider using the CPBI if it makes sense to do so.

We can provide custom reports, but we might need some lead time to consider how to construct custom reports. Our standard reports are based on two key lists: (1) ScImago, (2) Collection Review (the list of all journals we subscribe to individually or in a package, not including aggregators). We have constructed custom reports based on indexes and other journal lists.

For example, one of our librarians wanted to investigate what index would be best to teach to social work students. She asked for a comparison of 2 indexes to include MNSU library holdings data. Here is the workbook comparing Social Services Abstracts (SSA) and the Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA).

Another one of our librarians, serving as the liaison to the College of Business, asks us periodically to update a report based on the Australian Business Deans' Council (ABDC) list of core journals for business.

We've provided numerous other reports across the range of MNSU colleges based on indexes -- to support new curriculum development or accreditation review.

We can also provide comparisons of print and electronic coverage, across a range of types of coverage (sub, nonsub, OA, ELM, PCA) for weeding review.

If you've got a project and we've got the time, we can look into any kind of collection-related reporting you might need.

This is a picture of a spreadsheet.

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