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Recreation, Parks, and Leadership Studies

Print and electronic library sources for recreation, parks, and leisure services. Topics include recreational leadership, leisure planning, resource management, and therapeutic recreation.

APA Writing Style

APA style is a commonly used writing style for formatting papers in many disciplines. Using a standardized format provides both the reader and writer with a common understanding of the layout of a paper and how to find cited sources.

It is helpful for students to consider APA style in 3 parts:

  • Formatting:  the layout of a paper
  • In-text Citations: briefly citing sources in paragraphs
  • Reference List: full citation information at the end of a paper

APA Style: Formatting (7th Edition)

Use these links to help design your paper according to APA style:

APA Style: In-Text Citations (7th Edition)

Use these links to help you cite sources in the body of your paper:

APA Style: Reference List (7th Edition)

Use these links to help you create a Reference page to list citations to sources used in your paper:

APA Publication Manuals

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License