Featuring more than 400 full text titles, SPORTDiscus™ with Full Text is the most comprehensive, bibliographic and full-text database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, coaching, training, physical therapy, nutrition, and more.
Provides information on physical education such as business & marketing, coaching & training, dance, health education, kinesiology, motor learning, physical education curricula, physical therapy, recreation, sport law, sport sociology/psychology, sports equipment, sports medicine, and standardized fitness tests.
Provides citations and abstracts to articles, as well as full text of articles from over 4,600 publications, covering almost every academic subject.
Provides citations, abstracts, and selected full text to articles, company reports, industry reports, market research reports, and country reports about all aspects of business, “including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, econometrics, and economics.”
The Educational Resources Information Center database provides extensive access to educational-related literature and information in a variety of formats.
Covers a broad range of disciplines such as agriculture, biology & genetics, arts & humanities, biochemistry, business, chemical engineering, chemistry, computer science, earth & planetary sciences, economics, environmental science, mathematics, medicine & dentistry, physics & astronomy, social sciences, and veterinary science & medicine.
Provides citations and abstracts to articles and other materials covering all areas of biological sciences, including biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology, and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science.
Use the MavScholar search box below to find most, but not all, library items available at Minnesota State Mankato.
See our Journal Articles guide to learn more about finding articles for your research.
Provides citations and abstracts to articles and books about psychology and "disciplines related to psychology such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work."
Provides citations & abstracts to articles, books, & other materials about all aspects of gerontology.
Provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
Counseling and Therapy in Video provides the largest online collection of video available for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
Provides full-text newspaper articles from many states and countries, transcripts from mostly major American news sources, and provides citations and selected full-text to legal materials.