These search tools, also known as databases, will help you find peer-reviewed journal articles, an essential resource for assignments. Visit our Articles guide for detailed instructions.
Featuring more than 400 full text titles, SPORTDiscus™ with Full Text is the most comprehensive, bibliographic and full-text database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, coaching, training, physical therapy, nutrition, and more.
Provides information on physical education such as business & marketing, coaching & training, dance, health education, kinesiology, motor learning, physical education curricula, physical therapy, recreation, sport law, sport sociology/psychology, sports equipment, sports medicine, and standardized fitness tests.
Provides citations and abstracts to articles, as well as full text of articles from over 4,600 publications, covering almost every academic subject.
Contains full text articles, as well as protocols focusing on the effects of healthcare.
Provides educational and clinical resources related to exercise physiology, biomechanics, sports psychology, and motor control.
Sports Business Research Network provides nationwide analysis of statistical trends in each major segment of the sports market and the extent to which they interrelate.
Reporting on the sports industry with weekly coverage back to 1998.
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Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.
Google Scholar is a great tool to find articles, but it includes fee-based websites. Through Library Services you have three options to access the full article content and bypass paywalls.
With options 1 and 2, your Google Scholar results will include links such as ViewIt@MNSU and, after clicking the double arrow icon, GetIt@MNSU. These links will connect you to our library to access the item.
You can search MavScholar to find and request articles from other libraries. See our Get Articles from Other Libraries guide for detailed instructions.