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Library Services and Cambridge University Press Read and Publish Open Access Agreement

Have you ever considered publishing in a Cambridge University Press journal?

If so, consider publishing your article as Open Access.

Library Services has entered into an agreement with Cambridge University Press to publish your article as Open Access at no cost to you!

For a limited time, all Article Processing Charges will be waived for you to make your article Open Access. 

To be eligible, articles must:

  • Have a corresponding author who is a current Minnesota State University, Mankato faculty or staff member;

  • Be original research, (such as research articles, review articles, rapid communications,

brief reports, and case reports);

  • Be accepted for publication in a Cambridge Core Journal;

  • Be accepted for publication between January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024.

To learn how to submit your article, see the document below.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Heidi Southworth, Digital Initiatives Librarian at for more information. 

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