Fire Insurance Maps in the Library of Congress (Call Number Z6026.17 U45 1981) serves as a guide to all Sanborn Maps. It is divided into sections alphabetically by state. Some territories and Mexico are covered.
Sanborn Maps are available in these formats: physical maps, CD-Rom, online, and microfilm. To discover what towns and cities are represented on microfilm, please check out the indexes below.
This fourteen volume set of Blue Earth County was plotted in 2006. An index helps to quickly find the area of interest.
The collection includes topographic, orthophotoquad, satellite images, and some raised reliefs of U.S. States and territories.
The 7.5 and 15 minute series are cataloged by state and then alphabetically by quadrangle in the U.S.G.S. topographic map cases. Indexes are available in the first drawer of each state to assist with finding your location and quadrangle name.
Other scales are cataloged with general collection maps. For example, 1:250,000.
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