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ENG 100: Academic Reading and Writing

This guide contains information to help you find research for ENG 100: Academic Reading and Writing (formerly Introduction to Composition) assignments.

Find Articles & Books to Understand & Contribute to the "Scholarly Conversation"

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When you talk with friends about a topic of shared interest, their ideas can help you think of new and different ways of looking at or doing something. The same thing happens in scholarly, academic research. Scholars read existing academic articles and use these articles to form new research questions, develop new research methods, and communicate their findings in new ways. This exchange of ideas over time is often referred to as a scholarly conversation.

This page will help you find articles and books in MavScholar, the library's main database. You can use these resources to:

  • understand the existing scholarly conversation about your topic.
  • determine what questions you would like to explore related to your topic.
  • examine ways you could find answers to these questions through additional research.

Search MavScholar for Articles, Books, Videos, and More!

Use the MavScholar search box below to find most, but not all, library items available at Minnesota State Mankato.

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Want to access databases from off-campus? Many library databases require a username and password to access off-campus. Use your StarID username and password. 

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MavScholar Tutorials

This playlist contains two videos. The first video is an introduction to MavScholar. The second is a short demonstration of the tool's search features.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License