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English 271W- Technical Communication

This Library Guide supports English 271W with instructor Abigail Bakke

Trade Magazines by Major


Selective Examples of Trade Magazines by Majors

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Start Here: Best Library Resources for Technical Communication

The field of technical communication overlaps with many different content areas. Search tools, sometimes called databases, are available on a variety of subjects. These databases may help you get started, but please contact a librarian if your subject area isn't contained here:

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Steps and tutorials to find journal articles

Find Books & E-books

Steps to find books in the library and online

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Steps to find movies, documentaries, TV shows, & more

Cite Your Sources

Learn what a citation is, how to read a citation and how to create APA, ASA, MLA and Chicago style citations.

Find Maps, Atlas, & Travel Guides

A guide to the cartographic materials

Find Theses & APPs

Locate capstone projects at MSU and beyond

Find Data & Statistics

Information on statistical sources and datasets

Find Images

A guide to finding, using, & citing images

Find Newspapers

A guide to finding newspapers online and at the library

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License