Tunisia / Tunisie
Canada (Québec)
- Charlie Hebdo French satirical weekly.
- Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace New online version of this daily from Strasbourg.
- Les Echos From Paris, France
- Elle Online version of this "mensuel féminin". (Netscape prefered.)
- Le Figaro From Paris, France
- France 2 Daily news and more from this French T.V. company.
- France 3 Daily news and more from this French T.V. company.
- Libération On-line version of the French daily
- Le Monde Full access through Ebsco Host with StarID Log-in.
- Le Monde Diplomatique Paris-based political newspaper.
- Nice-Matin Online information from this French regional paper. Includes news summaries from three versions of the paper covering the regions "la Côte d'Azur", "le Var" and "la Corse."
- Photo A monthly French photo magazine.
- La Recherche France's most well-known monthly science magazine.
- Regards A monthly French newsmagazine.
- La Revue du Spectacle French theater, humor and song.
- Sudouest Regional news from Bordeaux & the southwest of France.
- Télérama Selected reviews from this French television magazine.
- TF1 Online Daily news and more from this French T.V. company.
- La Voix du Nord A French regional daily.
Switzerland / Suisse