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We recommend these search tools, sometimes called databases, to find sources in this subject:
Provides citations, abstracts, and selected full text to articles, company reports, industry reports, market research reports, and country reports about all aspects of business, “including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, econometrics, and economics.”
This resource is provided by the Electronic Library of Minnesota, freely accessible to anyone in Minnesota!
Access data, market insights, and research tools to understand financial markets and make informed decisions.
Mintel reports combine consumer research with market data and analysis across 19 market categories.
Search topics related to business that includes journal articles, company reports, industry/country reports, ebooks, videos, case studies, and more.
Thoroughly indexed, users will have access to top news stories and information contained in various sections of the paper in regard to local and regional news.
This resource is provided by the Electronic Library of Minnesota, freely accessible to anyone in Minnesota!
We recommend these search tools to find sources providing access to general finance data:
A compilation of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file information with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Use the MavScholar search box below to find most, but not all, library items available at Minnesota State Mankato.