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Customized Guides, Videos, & Activities: Home

Work with librarians to create online content and activities to address course needs.  Implement the content in your classroom, post standalone assignments, or provide your students supplemental instructions.

Click on the options below to learn more.

Our “Class & Subject Guides” are an online space to connect students, faculty, and staff to information sources and help.

These guides canScreenshot of Library Guide

   ...connect students to books, journals, and other sources to complete assignments

   ...explain basic search processes

   ...highlight items by theme

Want a customized guide for your students, group, etc? 

For faculty: do you know the Librarian Liaison for your department? He or she can provide information about creating guides for your area.

Lacking a liaison?  Complete the request form below and we will connect you with a librarian specialist in your area.

Librarians can modify existing videos or create new content.  These are ideal for use in D2L.We post videos on Kaltura MediaSpace or YouTube, which makes it easy for your students to view the content on any device. 

These videos can 

…demonstrate basic search processes

…explain research concepts

…highlight library processes

See all current videos: YouTube, and MediaSpace.

Want a customized video for your students, group, etc? 

For faculty: do you know the Librarian Liaison for your department? He or she can provide information about creating videos for your area.

Lacking a liaison?  Complete the request form below and we will connect you with a librarian specialist in your area.

Our DIY tutorials guide students through specific search processes with instructions as they complete tasks on a live website.  These tutorials include instructions, quiz/feedback questions, and/or open-ended complete forms. Students can email themselves the results.  We can also setup the DIY tutorial to send results directly to your email account. The APA tutorial can be added to D2L with scores automatically sent to the gradebook

These DIY tutorials can Screenshot of DIY Tutorial

…demonstrate basic search processes

…explain research concepts

Want a customized tutorial for your students, group, etc? 

For faculty: do you know the Librarian Liaison for your department? He or she can provide information about creating tutorials for your area.

Lacking a liaison?  Complete the request form below and we will connect you with a librarian specialist in your area.

Librarians collaborate with instructors to create activities and assignments to reinforce disciplinary concepts and complete course objectives.

Examples include

Our Information Literacy Toolkit contains more activities and assignments.

Want a customized assignment or activity for your students, group, etc? 

For faculty: do you know the Librarian Liaison for your department? He or she can provide information about creating assignments or activities for your area.

Lacking a liaison?  Complete the request form below and we will connect you with a librarian specialist in your area.

Customized Content Request Form

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License