After reviewing this information, you will be able to:
To find an article, look for these characteristics:
If you think you may have a book or a book chapter, check out our books guide.
Sometimes you'll be on the hunt for one very specific article or Journal. Library Services has a lot of sources and there are many ways to track down those specific articles and journals. Use the information below to help you.
If you're looking for a journal or magazine, first, click on the "Journals by Title" tab above the search bar on theLibrary homepage.
Then search for your journal, magazine, or newspaper. You can search by exact or partial title, or ISSN.
Once you've found your journal, it will usually be found in one of two places. It will be either be Available Online or Available at M, MSU Memorial Library in print. Click either link to go to the next step in finding the journal.
Sometimes, "Multiple Versions" are available. Click any link in this entry to see all versions.Make sure to check the dates of your publication to see what we have access to. We may not have access to all issues of a given journal.
If the journal entry states Available Online you can access the journal digitally on or off campus.
If you click Available Online, you will be taken to a site with the most current access to the journal. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your StarID information.
WARNING: When you click on the links, they will open a new window!
Digital copies of the journal will be in this website. Find the issue you need and there's your source!
If you click on the journal's title, you will see a record listing all the ways to access this journal in the View Online section .
Each entry provides a different option to access the journal. Note the date ranges for each entry. Many resources include access to some, but not all, years of the journal's publication. Click on the database or publisher link, and you will be taken to a site with access to the journal. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your StarID information
WARNING: When you click on the links, they will open a new window!
Digital copies of the journal will be on this website. Find the issue you need and there's your source!
If your journal says Available at MSU,M Memorial Library, it means we have print copies in Memorial Library at MSU!
Click on the title or the location link. Under the Get It section of the next screen, look for and find the collection and call number. You will need this information to locate the journal in Memorial Library. If you are looking for a specific year, volume, or issue, review the list below the collection name to ensure we have the journal issue you are seeking.
Most journals will be shelved within the Periodicals Collection on 1st floor.
In order to find a specific article, start at the Library Services homepage. Search for your article in the MavScholar search box. It is best to search by article title.
MavScholar will have a lot of different resources. Scroll through the search results to find your article.
To make it easier to find your article, consider adding more information in an advanced search.
In an advanced search, you can search by language, date, title, or author.
Try narrowing the publication date to help you find the article earlier.
Once you find your article, click on Available Online
2. It will re-route you to a different site like a database. Look for "Full Text" or "Download PDF" buttons to find and access the full article.
If you don't see your article, follow the extra steps below:
If you're having difficulty finding the article, click the "Add Results from Other Sources" option near the top of the page.
Once you find the article, click on No Online Access or the title.
Sign In using your StarID information under the How to get it section on the next screen.
After signing in, click the Interlibrary Loan link.
Next agree to the copyright terms in order to complete your request.
The next screen should confirm that your request as been placed.
For more information about this process, check out our guide on requesting articles from other libraries.
If you have any trouble, please talk to a librarian.