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FYEX 100: First Year Experience Introduction to the MSU Library

This guide provides FYEX 100 students an introduction to Memorial Library.

Finding Materials on the Shelves Video

This video will help you to locate books and other resources in Memorial Library.

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Where's My Book?

Do you need to find an item in the library? Here are a few things to look for before you head to the shelves.

  1. Is it available? If you are searching in MavScholar make sure the item says it is "On Shelf."
    • If it is not "On Shelf," check to see if the item has a due date.
    • If the item is not "On Shelf" and does not have a due date, ask a librarian about your options.
  2. What is the call number? This series of letters and numbers serves as the "house number" for the material.
  3. What is the location or collection? This serves as the "street number" for the material and will you what floor to go to.
    • General Collection = 2nd (A-PN) or 3rd floor (PQ-Z)
    • Reference = 1st floor
    • Oversized = 2nd floor
    • DVD, Audiobook, Juvenile (K-12) = Educational Resource Center (ERC), lower level
    • Electronic Book (remote access) = available online through the catalog

Can't find your materials?

  • Check nearby bookcarts, 1st floor copy shop, or 2nd floor reshelving carts.
  • Borrowing from another library, through a service called Interlibrary Loan, is an option when our copy is unavailable.
  • Ask a librarian.

Remember, to check out materials from the library, you will need your MavCard!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License