The local newspaper is the Mankato Free Press.
American Indian Newspapers provides digital access to North American Indigenous journalism from a range of communities, historic presses, and contemporary periodicals spanning two centuries from 1828-2016.
Provides searchable full-image articles published in the Chicago Defender that is part of the ProQuest Historical newspapers – Black Newspapers series.
Users can study the progression of events over time by searching or browsing full-text, full-image issues of the Minneapolis Star Tribune from 1867-2001 with access to news articles, photos, advertisements, classified ads, obituaries, cartoons, and more.
Free full-text access to the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, including indexing and abstracts, provided by the Minnesota Historical Society.
Cover-to-cover digitization of the entire newspaper for 1851-2015. Searchable via the ProQuest platform.
Text only version of the Star Tribune with coverage from 1986 - current.
Search current U.S. news content, as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980's.