Table of Contents:
In addition to all the books we have here at Memorial Library, you also have access to books from other libraries through our Interlibrary Loan service or ILL. Interlibrary Loans send you the requested book for free to rent like a regular book. Use the information below to find and request books from other libraries.
First, go to our Library Homepage. Click the Databases A-Z button after the MavScholar search box.
On the next page, click the letter W or search for WorldCat in the search box.
Once you are in WorldCat, use the search bar to search for the title or topic of your book.
Now, look for the book you want. Use the filter options to search Memorial Library or libraries worldwide, different formats, authors, or dates.
Under each title it should tell you what kind of item it is. For books we have here at Memorial Library, it will say "Held by: Minnesota State University - Mankato."
For all items not offered through Memorial Library, you will need to request the item. Follow the directions below to request an item.
First, click on the title of the item you want to borrow.
Book details should appear next to the book, along with a large "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button. Click this button.
It should navigate you to a new page for the item at the library. You will need to sign in using your Star ID and password.
After signing in, a form will include automatically filled-in information about the book. Double check the information to make sure it is correct. Click Send Request to continue.
Click on InterLibrary Loan in the How to get it section on the next screen.
Next agree to the copyright terms in order to complete your request.
The next screen should confirm that your request as been placed.
Once you've ordered an Interlibrary loan, it could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get the book.
Once your book arrives, you'll get an email. It'll have your book information, along with instructions.
Once you get this email, come into the library as soon as possible. They'll only keep the book for a few weeks before sending it back to the other library. Come to the front Circulation desk.
Your MavCard is required to checkout the book. Inside the book, there will be paper-work. Keep the paperwork with the book at all times and return the paperwork with the book.
Make sure you bring the book back on time so you aren’t charged a late fee and so we have enough time to ship it back to its home library!
To return the book, merely bring it (with the ILL paperwork) back to the library! We'll take care of the rest.
To renew or cancel an ILL, you'll need to go to your "My Library Account." You can find the link on the library's homepage.
Select StarID Login then enter your StarID and password.
First, navigate from the Overview of you Library Account. If you wish to see the status of an ILL or cancel the request, click on the "Requests" button.
If you want to renew an already checked-out ILL, go to the "Loans" tab
In the Loans tab, the renewal process will be nearly identical as other items. Check the boxes for items you wish to renew, or choose "Renew All" option at the top of the page.
If you have been successful, a notification should appear immediately stating that a "Renew request has been sent to resource sharing lender and is pending approval." This means we have sent a request to renew the book to the other library. It may take a few days for approval; watch your email for updates on the loan.
Please know that it takes extra time to renew an ILL because we need to contact the other library to extend the due date. If you are close to the ILL's due date, you may not be able to renew!
If you have any more questions about ILLs, or need to request something in a different way, check out the Interlibrary Loan's page .
If you have any trouble concerning books or finding books, please talk to a librarian.