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Library Resources & Returning to Learn

This guide provides OASIS and Diversity & Inclusion Students with information to help them use the library from on- and off-campus during the campus's "Return to Learn" efforts.

Requesting an Interlibrary Loan Video

Table of Contents:

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:54 - Book Request
  • 03:08 - Article Request
  • 04:21 - Manual Request through Blank Form
  • 04:57 - Renew or Cancel ILL

Get Articles from Other Libraries

In addition to all the materials we have access to via MSU's Library Services, you also have access to more materials from other libraries through our Interlibrary Loan service, or ILL. This service is provided free of charge to MSU students, faculty, and staff. Use the information below to find and request articles from other libraries.

First, go the the library's homepage. Use the "MavScholar" search bar toward the top of the screen to search for your article. 

use the mavscholar search at the top of the library homepage to search for articles

You can use advanced searches to search by author, title, or publication date to more quickly find your item.

In the advanced search option, you can use the filters to search by subject, author, title and more. You can also search by language and date range.

If you're having difficulty finding the article, click the "Add Results from Other Sources" option near the top of the page. 

If you can't find your item check the Add Results from Other Sources option

If you still can't find your item, is it possible you're looking for a book?

Search Books

Once you find the article, click on No Online Access or the title. 

click on the No online access link or the title of an article to request it

Sign In using your StarID information under the How to get it section on the next screen.

On the next screen under the how to get it section sign in with your StarID

Click on InterLibrary Loan in the How to get it section on the next screen.

On the next screen click the InterLibrary Loan link

After signing in, a form will include automatically filled-in information about the article. Double check the information to make sure it is correct. Click Send Request to continue.  

After signing in, a form with automatically filled out information will appear. Double check the information for the article to make sure it is correct. Most articles will be sent and accessed online. Click Send Request to continue

Next agree to the copyright terms in order to complete your request.

Agree to copyright terms

The next screen should confirm that your request as been placed.

Look for the confirmation that the ILL request was successful

If you requested an article, it's likely you will receive access instructions via your MavMail email address.

The image below is an example of an ILL email you might receive. In the message, there will be a link and password. Click the link and use the password to access your article.

use the link and password given to open your article. The email will also have further directions for how to access your ILL

Warning: Access to the article expires in a few days. Be sure to download your article right away or you will lose access to it!

Renew or Cancel an ILL

To renew or cancel an ILL, you'll need to go to your "My Library Account." You can find the link on the library's homepage. 

search for the link that says my library account, usually just under the mavscholar search

Select StarID Login then enter your StarID and password.

Use your StarID to login

First, navigate from the Overview of you Library Account. If you wish to see the status of an ILL or cancel the request, click on the "Requests" button.

navigate to requests tab under your account options.

If you want to renew an already checked-out ILL, go to the "Loans" tab 

Navigate to the Requests page in your library account to see ILL requests and item information. Go to the Loans page to renew already checked out materials

In the Loans tab, the renewal process will be nearly identical as other items. Check the boxes for items you wish to renew, or choose "Renew All" option at the top of the page. 

use the renew selected or renew or renew all buttons to renew your materials.

If you have been successful, a notification should appear immediately stating that a "Renew request has been sent to resource sharing lender and is pending approval." This means we have sent a request to renew the book to the other library. It may take a few days for approval; watch your email for updates on the loan.

a notification will appear saying the renew request has been sent ot resource sharing lender and is pending approval.

Please know that it takes extra time to renew an ILL because we need to contact the other library to extend the due date. If you are close to the ILL's due date, you may not be able to renew!

Other ILL Information and Requests

If you have any more questions about ILLs, or need to request something in a different way, check out the Interlibrary Loan's page .

If you have any trouble, please talk to a librarian.

Ask a Librarian

Find Sources Using MavScholar

Use the MavScholar search box below to find most, but not all, library items available at Minnesota State Mankato.

Find articles, books, videos & more

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License