Use the customized MavScholar search box below to find print books and ebooks. Visit our Books guide for detailed instructions.
Contains electronic reference titles from Sage. Users can search and browse the full-text equivalent handbooks, encyclopedias, and other titles.
Comprehensive full text collection of primary source U.S. congressional committee prints and Congressional Research Service reports covering all aspects of U.S. politics and culture, including economics, business, science and technology, international relations, social issues, finance, insurance, and medicine.
Current students and faculty, who are not regularly in Mankato, can request that physical library items be mailed to their home via our Document Delivery service.
Search WorldCat to find and request books from other libraries using our Interlibrary Loan service. See our Get Books from Other Libraries guide for detailed instructions.
Provides citations to books and other materials (including those that are out of print) held by libraries worldwide and allows users to request books via Interlibrary Loan.