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Off-Campus and Online Users

Learn how MSU students, faculty, and staff can access library materials away from campus

Sending Library Materials to Your Home or MavMail

Document Delivery is a service for students and faculty who are not regularly in Mankato. You can request:

  • Physical library items be mailed to your home
  • Articles or book chapters be scanned and sent to you electronically

Books can be from the Minnesota State University, Mankato’s circulating library collections or from other libraries (interlibrary loan).

After reviewing this information, you will be able to:

  • Enroll in Document Delivery (enables us to ship or scan library items)
  • (optional) Apply for a MavCard 
  • Request library materials
  • Return materials to MSU

How to Get Library Materials Mailed or Emailed

To have materials mailed or scanned, you need to fill out the "Document Delivery Signup for Students & Staff" online. 

Fill out and submit the form! Make sure to list your current address, as this will be the address we'll send the materials to. We will use your MavMail address for scanned materials

Please note that it will take two business days to process this form. 

If you plan to check out books when you visit campus, you will need a MavCard. A MavCard is not needed if you use our document delivery system to have materials shipped to you. If you already have a MavCard, you can skip this step. If not, keep reading and apply for your Extended Learning MavCard today.

Fill out the form on this page in order to request an Extended Learning MavCard.

  1. Within MavScholar, click Sign in in the upper right corner.
  2. Login with your StarID and password
  3. Search for an item and click the title
    Click a title from the results
  4. Under the Get It section to click Hold,  or if the item has multiple parts, click Request.
    Click hold to request-or-
    Click request for a volume or part
  5. The pickup location will say Memorial Library but we will know to ship or scan the item.

    Click the hold button on the individual book's page

    Did you just complete the signup form?
    If you recently completed the Document Delivery signup form, use the comments section to say you just completed the "Document Delivery Request Form." Then we'll know we're supposed to mail or scan the item and we'll make sure to watch for your form.

    Do you want a scanned article or book chapter?
    Use comments section to tell us what article or book chapter you would like scanned. The more details you provide, the quicker we can email the information to your MavMail account. Due to copyright restrictions we cannot scan whole books or journal issues.

  6. Click Send Request

You can request multiple items by repeating steps 3-5 above.

This process alerts library staff to gather books and other items. Requests will be filled Monday-Friday. 

a picture of Memorial libraryYou are responsible for returning materials to the library on time. You can return items either in person or by mail.   You can ask staff at one of our extended campus locations, such as the 7700 France facility in Edina, about returning materials free-of-charge in the campus mail system.

If you choose to return items by mail, please allow extra time so the materials can get back to Memorial Library by the due date. 

Many Minnesota Libraries will do a courtesy book return using the Minitex Courier system. That means they will send it back to MSU for you. College or university libraries are usually the best place to ask.  You can also ask your local public library.

If you intend to return the items by U.S. mail, you can address the items to:

Interlibrary Loan
Minnesota State University, Mankato
PO Box 8419
Mankato, MN 56002-8419

If you have any questions, please contact a librarian. 

Ask a Librarian

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