Featuring more than 400 full text titles, SPORTDiscus™ with Full Text is the most comprehensive, bibliographic and full-text database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, coaching, training, physical therapy, nutrition, and more.
Provides citations, abstracts, and selected full text to articles, company reports, industry reports, market research reports, and country reports about all aspects of business, “including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, econometrics, and economics.”
This resource is provided by the Electronic Library of Minnesota, freely accessible to anyone in Minnesota!
Sports Business Research Network provides nationwide analysis of statistical trends in each major segment of the sports market and the extent to which they interrelate.
Provides full-text newspaper articles from many states and countries, transcripts from mostly major American news sources, and provides citations and selected full-text to legal materials.
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Many sport management topics are impacted by issues in our society. The following sites provide information on sport-related social issues.
This resource is provided by the Electronic Library of Minnesota, freely accessible to anyone in Minnesota!
See our Journal Articles guide to learn more about finding articles for your research.