Provides citations to books and other materials (including those that are out of print) held by libraries worldwide and allows users to request books via Interlibrary Loan.
Provides citations and abstracts to articles about all aspects of political science, including comparative politics, developing nations, disarmament, economic policy, electoral systems, environmental policy, history & theory of political science, International relations/trade, labor relations, military policy, methodology & research technology, public administration, security & defense, and welfare systems.
Provides citations and abstracts to articles, as well as full text of articles from over 4,600 publications, covering almost every academic subject.
Provides full-text newspaper articles from many states and countries, transcripts from mostly major American news sources, and provides citations and selected full-text to legal materials.
Oxford Handbooks Online brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate.
Contains electronic reference titles from Sage. Users can search and browse the full-text equivalent handbooks, encyclopedias, and other titles.