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Predatory Publishing and Article Process Charges (APCs)

In 2012, Jeffrey Beall wrote “journals that exploit the author-pays model damage scholarly publishing and promote unethical behavior” (Beall, 2012).

Predatory publishers take advantage of authors by charging outrageous fees to publish a work quickly online without following standard peer-review practices or editorial processes like traditional journals.  Some predatory publishers may even take a publishing fee but never publish the article or publish a work under a different person's name.  Predatory publishers will go to great lengths to create a journal that appears legitimate, with flashy sites with logos, editorial boards (where some people do not even know they are on a board), inaccurate or misleading metrics and impact factors, and claims to be indexed in major databases or in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). 

However, it is a myth that all online, open access or online journals charging fees are created by predatory publishers.  Just because a journal is open or online does not automatically make a it predatory.  here are a number of scholarly online and/or open access journals that assess an article processing charge (APC) as a means of providing more open and immediate access to journal articles. Such charges can range from a few hundred dollars to many thousands, and some open access journals charge no fees. 

So what can you do to evaluate publishers?  Here are just a few resources for you to consider:

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