"Ethics publishes scholarly work in moral, political, and legal philosophy from a variety of intellectual perspectives, including social and political theory, law, and economics."
"Philosophy & Public Affairs is designed to fill the need for a venue in which philosophers with different viewpoints and philosophically inclined writers from various disciplines-including law, political science, economics, and sociology-can bring their distinctive methods to bear on problems that concern everyone."
"The Journal of Political Philosophy is an international journal devoted to the study of theoretical issues arising out of moral, legal and political life."
"American Political Science Review is political science's premier scholarly research journal, providing peer-reviewed articles and review essays from subfields throughout the discipline. Areas covered include political theory, American politics, public policy, public administration, comparative politics, and international relations."
"Publishes articles on political theory from a wide range of philosophical, ideological and methodological perspectives. Articles address contemporary and historical political thought, normative and cultural theory, the history of ideas, and critical assessments of current work."
"Law and Philosophy serves as a forum for the publication of work in law and philosophy that is of common interest to individuals in the disciplines of jurisprudence and legal philosophy."
"Topics covered fall mainly into the broad categories of analytical and normative jurisprudence, doctrinal theory, policy analyses of legal doctrines and critical theories of law."
"Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) aims to bring moral, economic and political theory to bear on the analysis, justification and criticism of political and economic institutions and public policies."
The Journal publishes contributions in analytic political philosophy, political theory, comparative political thought, and the history of ideas of any tradition.
"Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) explores the normative assumptions and implications of current public policy issues and socio-political-legal processes."