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Artificial Intelligence (Generative) Resources

Using AI in Course Assignments

  • Always confirm with your professor whether AI tools like ChatGPT are allowed for each assignment.
  • Always verify information and sources generated by AI tools.
    • AI has been known to generate false information and to cite non-existent sources.
    • AI-generated text mines people's intellectual property without crediting them, which raises ethical concerns.
  • Citation styles and individual instructors vary on their citation guidelines for AI-generated information.
  • Guidance for citing AI will likely be updated as recommendations evolve. 

Acknowledging & Describing AI Use

If you use AI in your coursework, your instructors may ask you to describe how you integrated AI into your assignment. Use these reflective prompts to help you communicate about your use of AI.

  • What tool(s) did you use?
  • What prompts did you ask the AI tool to follow?
  • How did you verify the information AI generated for you?
  • How did you modify and use the AI output?

Learn More

Citing Generative AI

AI in Education

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License