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CHEM 481W - Inquiry and Writing in Biochemistry and Chemistry.

Library resources for Inquiry and Writing in Biochemistry and Chemistry.

Top Used Biochemistry & Chemistry Journals at MSNU

Biochemistry Chemistry
Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
PLoS Medicine Environmental Science & Technology
Journal of the American Chemical Society Journal of Chemical Education
Environmental Research Nature Communications
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Chemosphere
FEBS Letters Journal of the American Chemical Society
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
Biochemistry European Food Research and Technology
European Food Research and Technology Journal - American Water Works Association
FEBS Journal Desalination

Finding a Journal

A journal is made up of scientific articles based on the same subject. There are journals for many areas of study - Biochemistry, Ecology, Astronomy, and many more! Sometimes you might need to look up a specific journal, there are two ways to do this:

1) From the library's website, click on the Journals by Title tab (labeled #2) and use the search box to find your journal.

Search with MavScholar from library website. Also search Journals and Databases with tab selection. 

2) You can also search for a journal from the MavScholar search interface. You can access the journal search from the Journals List tab. This search also allows you to browse by category.

Journals List tab on top center of page with categories on left side.

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