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Artificial Intelligence Resources for Instructors


Listed below are some ideas to address AI in your course design.

Create AI Usage Policies 

Revise Assignment Design  

  • Incorporate real-world problem-solving into assignments. 
  • Create prompts requiring specific readings or multi-step research. 
  • Include analysis, evaluation, and privilege considerations.
  • Emphasize metacognition and the writing process. 
  • Design creative assignments beyond the traditional “college essay.” 
  • Include personal experiences and beliefs in writing tasks. 
  • Utilize course-specific information and non-textual sources. 
  • Add multi-modal elements to student writing. 

Emphasize the Writing Process 

  • Integrate brainstorming, outlining, multiple drafts, and reflections. 
  • Require annotation and in-class writing activities. 

Discuss Ethics and Implications 

  • Discuss the large-scale and privacy-related implications of AI. 
  • Discuss topics like bias, environmental impacts, plagiarism, and copyright issues. 
  • Stimulate classroom discussions on AI's potential for generating fake or divisive content. 
  • Visit our AI Ethics page for discussion ideas.  

Teach AI Writing Tool Usage 

  • Use AI tools like ChatGPT to scaffold writing processes. 
  • Demonstrate AI limitations and analyze AI-generated text. 
  • Design activities to compare human and AI writing, such as peer review and rhetorical analysis. 

Apply Manual AI Detection  

The content above was adapted with permission from:

Designing Assignments that Discourage AI Use

Designing Assignments that Encourages Ethical AI Use

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License