IEEE style is a commonly used writing style for formatting articles or conference proceedings/papers published by IEEE. Using a standardized format provides both the reader and writer with a common understanding of the layout of a paper and how to find cited sources.
It is helpful for students to consider IEEE style in 3 parts:
If you are not sure which IEEE journal, magazine or conference you would like to submit your work to, check out the IEEE Publication Recommender.
Unlike APA or MLA citation styles, IEEE does not require references cited in the actual text of a paper. Within the text of the paper, references are given as a number and only the number appears within a sentence, in square brackets, inside the punctuation. Here are a few examples:
More information can be found in the IEEE Reference Guide.
References are created following the IEEE Reference Guide.
To create references for specific IEEE publications, you will also need to use the following:
Some General Guidelines:
Need to format your citations in LaTeX?
You can sign up for a free user account at and make sure to use your email address.