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MNSU Theses, Dissertations and Other Capstone Projects: Electronic Submissions (ETDs)

A guide to theses, dissertations and other capstone projects produced by graduate students at Minnesota State University, Mankato

Electronic Submissions (ETDs)

Beginning in 2009, Graduate students could submit their theses or dissertations electronically through a Library Services digital project (now referred to as Cornerstone).  These electronic submissions are referred to as ETDs or Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Minnesota State University, Mankato uses the ProQuest ETD Administrator to manage its ETD submissions, which are then available in Cornerstone.  The guide below will help you to navigate the process of submitting your thesis, dissertation, APP or capstone project electronically.


Theses and Dissertations

For all theses and dissertations, you are required to send two copies of your thesis or dissertation to the University Archives and the Library.  In place of submitting two print copies, you can submit a single, electronic version to be displayed in the University's Institutional Repository called Cornerstone.   To submit an electronic version, you will use the ProQuest ETD Administrator and the processes established by the Office of Graduate Studies.  A step-by-step guide on how to submit your thesis or dissertation electronically through the ProQuest ETD Administrator is found below.  PLEASE NOTE: All theses and dissertation submitted electronically will be full-text searchable immediately unless an Embargo (see step 7c for Access Options in the step-by-step guide) has been placed on your work.

Please note that this process may take several weeks to be completed.  Once the Officee of Graduate Studies approves the thesis or dissertation, the final approved version will be sent to the Digital Initiatives Librarian for inclusion into Cornerstone.  The Digital Initiatives Librarian cannot approve theses, dissertations or  requirements needed for graduation. 

If you have questions about the submission process for theses and dissertations or questions on graduation, you can contact the Office of Graduate Studies at 507-389-2321 or through email at

If you have questions about Cornerstone, you can contact Heidi Southworth, Digital Initiatives Librarian at 507-389-5066 or

APPs or Capstone Projects

Copies of APPs (Alternative Plan Papers) or other Capstone Projects are not required to be submitted to the Library or to the College of Graduate Studies via the ProQuest ETD Administrator, but we highly encourage you to consider adding them to Cornerstone. There is NO deadline for submitting your APP to Cornerstone.  

To submit your APP, please email Heidi Southworth Digital Initiatives Librarian at a final draft of your APP or capstone project and include the following information:

  • Name - how would you like your name listed in Cornerstone
  • Title of your work
  • Degree earned
  • Program of study
  • Faculty Advisor's name
  • Committee Members (if applicable, some programs do not require a committee to review APPs or other capstone projects)
  • Keywords (words used to describe your work)
  • Abstract
  • Creative Commons License selection - if you wish to add a Creative Commons License to your work, please indicate your choice here.  Information on Creative Commons Licenses can be found at

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License